Get the inside info on Asia’s best diving

Pook and the batfish, Two Tree Island, Raja Ampat, Indonesia
What is the Dive Happy podcast about?
I launched the Dive Happy podcast to chat to interesting people who have an in-depth knowledge of a particular dive destination in Asia. I get the inside info on what it’s like to dive there and so help you decide if you want to go there yourself.
It’s an informal chat, just like when you meet fellow divers and start quizzing them for information on places they’ve been that you haven’t - yet!
When you subscribe here to the mailing list, each time there’s a new podcast episode you’ll get an email. You can listen to the podcast direct from the email.
Who puts the Dive Happy podcast together?
Me. My name’s Chris Mitchell and I’m a British writer currently based in Bangkok. I’ve previously written about scuba diving in Asia for Scuba Diver AustralAsia, Asian Diver and Sport Diver magazines, as well as CNN Travel. I also publish the website, which is the home of the podcast.
Besides all previous episodes of the podcast, the site has detailed liveaboard and resort trip reports from my many dive trips around Asia over the last 15 years.
You can contact me direct at